Yes, please let us know at time of RSVP
Yes, The Hyatt is pretty much connected to the Aquarium.
Please note the rates are not cheap. We did block off rooms. The Rate is $389.00 plus tx. You can call and just leave your credit card on file to reserve. You won't be charged until check-in. You have 48 hours prior to cancel for free. I suggest you reserve now if you will be staying or thinking about it. Once block is full, I can add more if there are rooms still available. Once June hits rooms will fill up quickly. Reg room rates not under our block are approx $650 or more. Crazy I know! I can recommend a place close to us (close to our house) if you will be in town for more than a few nights.
Keep in mind it is summer, and the east end tends to be pricey and book up fast, so I wouldn't wait too long to book something a hotel or Airbnb (Airbnb by us go fast and we don't have many options close by)
Home 2 Suites in Yaphank (The Boulevard) which is 1 mile from our house and 15 miles from venue (pretty straight run).